Not much to say, but here is an orchid from the Singapore Airport (a destination in and of itself).
No adoption news, for sure. Our file is still with Imagine, for Ethiopia. We have not started updating paperwork for the official country switch yet (from Ghana to Ethiopia). Partly because travel to Thailand occupied most of our attention the first few months of the year, and partly because we foresee a long wait, so may as well procrastinate a bit so the updated homestudy is current as long as possible once it is finally re-done. Medicals and fingerprints have expired at this point, too. With a long wait ahead for Ethiopia, we are thinking...but not sure what we're thinking about. Age requests? Saving up for an extra trip, now that two trips will be required? Isn't there something productive we can do in the meantime (other than re-doing our septic bed...boring, but necessary)?
Generally feeling a bit aimless. Thailand was great, and we want to keep the spirit of that trip alive through our involvement with the Karen people in our area and beyond...but not totally sure how. The house feels like it has taken over our lives sometimes - one minute we think there's not much left to do, the next we are staring at puddles in the yard (septic issue), windows about to fall in (sagging front porch pillar issue...not new, but previously not affecting the windows), windows in general, lame attempts at landscaping which need professional intervention (caused by me, pretty much), areas of major disorganization (cellar and storage garage) is a lot.
Looking forward to camping season starting May 1, but already have major scheduling conflicts with important events on the first two camping weekends we had planned at our trailer.
Keep feeling like taking a course of some kind (something I tend to do when I already have too much to do), but not sure what - sums me up, basically - interested in everything, not focused on anything. ESL? French? Photography? Theology? Interest classes (like sewing)? And I need to exercise...
But, we at least seem to be pretty much over the jet-lag, for what it's worth. And we are looking forward to putting together a nice, big presentation about our trip sometime soon. Thinking that it would be fun to partner with our Karen congregation to do a traditional meal at the church when we do our presentation. Will see how that unfolds.
My mind feels full and blank at the same time, but I realized I haven't posted much lately. Thinking, more than writing, I guess. Hmm...
What do you mean - you haven't started updating for the "official country switch" yet? Are you moving out of the Ethiopia program??????????!!!! Are you transferring your file to a different country?
What have I missed here??
Hope you are enjoying your vacation! You guys deserve it!
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